Have you the wits to try the Spire
And win the prize you most desire?
A century of matchless power
Awaits the one who bests the tower,
Yet for the rest whose luck runs sour,
Flesh and soul just might expire.
You risk everything and dare all?
Yet with such power, what shall befall?
Why should the Moonspire's heart be yours?
I wonder if, for a trice, you've paused
To ponder on the worth of your cause,
Or are you simply heeding power's call?
The Spire is the judge of all who come
And She will answer the doings done.
- Henry Badwhisker, the mad minstrel
Every hundred years, the wandering Moon comes within reach of dozens of realities. Whoever is brave and skilled enough may cross the borders of their reality and quest for the Heart of the legendary Moonspire, which bestows a hundred years of unimaginable power on the one contender cunning and wise enough to claim it. Shall that be you?
A board game for 2 or 4 players, easy to learn but tricky to overcome. Full details and the full story can be found in the manual which can be downloaded here (PDF):
Printable Game Boards
Downloadable A4 PDFs available by clicking either set of images. I'd recommend printing off both sides of either design and affixing them to opposite sides of a sheet of cardboard or wood.

For a lark, I made a travel set, and randomly jammed small gemstones into the sides.
Stock art pieces used on this page and in the manual are as follows:
'Orb stock' by Nazo-The-Unsolvable
'Viking 2012 stock 61' by Random-Acts-Stock: /
'Ice Queen Stock 14' by Random-Acts-Stock: /
H i m 0 1 (Stock) by ginathuyduong:
Analisa I by XxSaraiyu-StockxX:
My thanks to the artists who have made their work available for use in such undertakings as this.